How To Make Simple Water Level Indicator Using Transistor and LED
2 minute read
Hello, friend today we are going to make Water level indicators which are used fully to avoid wastage of the water. Now day water is stored in an overhead water tank due to overhead the water get overflow when the tank is full, We don't know idea when the tank is getting full of water and tank get overflow and water get waste, the overflow is a common problem which leads to the wastage of the water. This project is developed to reduce the wastage of water. This article shows the simple circuit of the Water level indicator with LED indication, Here you can simply add the buzzer at the top of the circuit for the Alarm. In this circuit transistors, resistors, led's are used the wires are connected to each base pin of the transistor and deep in the tank at different positions like %, 25%..etc, and one positive pin is deep at the bottom of the tank. When there is no water all LEDs will be off as e]water level increases the respective led's get turn on and indicate the water level. As the water level increase, the base pin of the transistor get a trigger, and the led glows.
For your information, I want to tell you the name of the scientist who invented the water level indicator. Mr.Markose has invented the Water level indicator at the age of 30 to monitor the level of water in wells.
Material required:-
Circuit Diagram:-
PCB Layout:-
Bottom Layer >> DOWNLOAD
Top Layer >> DOWNLOAD
Note:- If you want to make PCB of this project you should need to print the above file with (Actual Size> Print) otherwise PCB layout gets a wrong sized print. Print the Layout on glossy paper with size A4.
Take care while printing you should print this layout on a laser printer(Tonner powder) that doesn't print with a laser printer(INK).
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